At the time I began working with Liat I was extremely overwhelmed and could not keep up with all my responsibilities and the expectations I had of myself. While I had been previously introduced to the concepts of mindfulness, Liat brought extremely esoteric ideas related to mindfulness and self-compassion and found a way to make them relevant and relatable to my personal everyday life as a mother, a professional and an individual. I can honestly say I use these skills on a daily basis. Liat is one of the most caring people I have ever met and she is with me every step of the way through the journey of looking deeply into myself. The practice that Liat teaches, helps me to better understand and accept my emotional experience and to embrace my shadows. She has made me feel completely understood; I am so unbelievably grateful to her for all her support and everything she has taught me.
- Chani, Israel
If you are looking for a balance between the art and science of Mindfulness, Liat is unparalleled in my opinion. I have found my work with Liat (2018 to present) to have been a true catalyst for change in my life. I met Liat during my first pregnancy; with her guidance, I was able to take a mindful approach to my own concerns, questions and the inevitable change of introducing a baby into my world. Her expertise in both mindfulness and maternal care make her an incredible resource and a place to harbor yourself when the storms of emotions rise. I truly believe our work will impact generations to come within my family.
- K.P., New York
I’ve suffered from anxiety my whole life. For years I had been on and off medications, using the traditional clinical approaches to deal with my anxiety. Before I started working with Liat, my baseline anxiety, on any given day was a 6 out of 10. Now, today, it is barely a 2 out of 10. It will always be work to manage my anxiety, but her insight and guidance has given me the tools to work through my triggers and those moments when I felt the anxiety taking over me. Her teachings have helped me become a better mom, a better wife, a better person. I never, ever thought I’d feel this good after suffering the way I did for over 25 years. Her work has not only changed the course of my life, but it has changed the course of my family’s life, as the changes in me have clearly had a positive impact on them as well. She didn’t give me my life back; she gave me a life worth living, one to enjoy in the moment, still, with all its hardships and glory.
- Christine, NY
I have been working with Liat for the past 9 months and my only regret was that I didn’t find her sooner. She is one of the most compassionate people I have ever met and she honestly helped me feel like myself again which is something I feared would never happen again. I think my greatest testament to our work together is that after weekly meetings I feel “lighter”. It is as if I left my burdens with her and that I know she will nurture and take care of them until I come back. Liat is am amazingly nurturing and kind soul. She just has a way about her that puts you at ease and calms you. She has taught me many ways to cope with postpartum anxiety and she has helped me become a more peaceful individual in general with the mindfulness approach. I highly recommend working with Liat.
- C.H, NY
A few months after my son was born, I realized that I needed help with some of the stress and anxiety I was experiencing as a new mom. My sessions with Liat helped me to get clearer about the feelings I’d been experiencing, helped me connect more deeply within myself, and helped me connect more deeply with my baby. The sessions with her have been invaluable. Liat is a patient, wise, kind soul who truly wants to help others. I love the combination of her expertise in mindfulness work along with postpartum issues and caring for a new baby. I’d highly recommend her to anyone I know!
- Heather, Setauket, NY
Liat’s way is unique, her voice is authentic, and her heart is truly in her work. Working with her and being introduced to Mindfulness has really opened up my world in so many beautiful ways that I could not have even imagined. I feel more settled in motherhood, I feel stronger, and I feel more open to receiving than I can say I ever have before. Thank you, Liat, for your time, your knowledge, your presence, and your compassionate teachings that allowed the space for me to be honest with myself and feel more whole.
- Allison Goldberg, NY
Liat has a peaceful presence about her that instantly calms an overactive brain. As a new mom, juggling a full-time executive job, a commute, home ownership and a dissolving marriage, I felt like I was stuck in quick sand and sinking fast. I needed tools to help me rescue myself. Liat taught me to be kind to myself during times of uncertainty…to honor the space between no longer and not yet. Her practices and exercises were imperative to my emotional well-being when I wasn’t sure where to turn. I am grateful for all that she has done to help me and I value her kindness, empathy, love and support.
- Anonymous, NY
Diving into the unknown realm of motherhood can be overwhelming and sometimes isolating. Liat’s steadying presence gave me the much-needed fortitude to press on. Her tenderness, strength, wisdom and honesty are felt at once. I am deeply grateful to Liat for her presence in my life’s journey.
- Katherine, Massachusetts
I found Liat at a time when I felt desperate – a stressful pregnancy, the anxieties of fertility treatments, the effect of these on my relationship with my husband, which had permeated through from the same roller-coaster experience of my first pregnancy and traumatic birth, all the while working full time and trying to manage everything. I knew i needed help and something about her “alternative” approach, as someone who referred me through a facebook group had called it, spoke to me. I often times say that there was my life before meeting Liat and after meeting her. While I had made significant progress and breakthroughs in therapy before having children, learning with Liat has been a completely different experience. I have been a student of my mind and of myself, have learned so much and thankfully, grown – grown more connected to myself, and I am so thankful for this!
- Anonymous, Israel